News & Events

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The NSW Government is calling for expressions of interest to participate in the Australian Government’s next round of National Water Grid funding applications, likely in June 2025.
The National Water Grid initiative makes funding available for priority water infrastructure projects to improve the reliability and security of water for Australia’s regional and remote towns, agriculture and primary industry sectors.
Expressions of interest for the next funding round must be submitted no later than 11:00 pm (AEDT) on Thursday 27 February 2025, to allow sufficient time to prepare proposals and for the Water Group to have further discussions with proponents.

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The pricing proposals put to IPART for review by Water NSW and Water Administration Ministerial Corporation (WAMC) in November 2024 are we believe excessive. The GVIA have made submissions on both proposals and have had a one on one meeting with the IPART WAMC and WaterNSW regional and rural water price review teams to discuss our concerns. The team at NSWIC have also prepared a submission and held a meeting with IPART. 
Submissions to the IPART Issues paper are available here 

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Please find included a link to the January newsletter from the NSWIC. 

  1. Federal election 
  2. Basin Plan is working
  3. Proposed wetlands in inland WSPs
  4. National Water Agreement
  5. Review of rural water pricing 

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Meeting with Qld Water Minister Ann Leahy

Cotton Australia, National Irrigators' Council and Border Rivers Food and Fibre, met with the Hon Ann Leahy, QLD Minister for Local Government and Water, to discuss the proposed National Water Agreement (NWA) and provide insights into matters of concern.

Cotton Australia General Manager Michael Murray acknowledged that the current public draft of the agreement was much improved on previous versions released throughout last year, but there were still matters of significant concern and an overriding question as to what benefit signing the agreement would bring to a state like Queensland.

“Given the states are being asked to sign this agreement, but no money has been put on the table, it is hard to see why a state would voluntarily limit some of its decision-making capacity and commit significant resources to developing implementation plans, even if the proposed NWA was a good document that could be supported by stakeholders,” Mr Murray said.

Key areas of concern include:
  • The inclusion of the statement giving Indigenous Australians a concept of “Free, Prior and Informed Consent,” but no clarity on what this actually means within the context of water management, despite the glossary section assuring that it does not mean a right of veto.
  • The retention of the Risk Assignment framework (currently in the National Water Initiative) that allows, under some circumstances, the recovery of water from entitlement holders without compensation, where industry holds that if water recovery is required, it should be through market-based mechanisms.
  • A lack of recognition of the importance of irrigated agriculture in the draft.
  • Inclusion of a clause encouraging jurisdictions to move towards “Upper Bound” pricing, fortunately something Queensland rejects.

Cotton Australia will continue to work with the National Irrigators' Council, National Farmers Federation, Queensland Farmers Federation, and NSW Irrigators' Council to provide feedback to the federal and state governments on how this draft agreement can be improved.

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NSW online workshop invitation
The NSW Government invites NSW stakeholders who have participated in the Australian Government’s consultations on a new national water agreement to join one of three online workshops to discuss the updated draft agreement.
The NSW-hosted workshops are an opportunity to:
  • discuss how feedback from NSW stakeholders has been incorporated into the updated draft agreement published by the Australian Government in December 2024
  • share any outstanding concerns ahead of the National Water Committee meeting in early February 2025.
To register for a workshop, please select one of the links below:

Monday 3 February, 10:00am to 12:00pm
Monday 3 February, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Tuesday 4 February, 10:00am to 12:00pm

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Please find included the link to the NSWIC December newsletter. 
The GVIA work closely with the NSWIC to ensure we are able to advocate as strongly as possible for our members. This partnership will continue into 2025, and we thank our members for supporting the NSWIC through their levees. 
Issues covered in the newsletter include: Water pricing, the National Water Agreement, WSP and MDBA Constraints roadmap. 

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Included is the link to the 7 News regional from Thursday 9th January, where NSW National Party leader Dougal Saunders and Macquarie Food and Fibre Executive Officer Michael Drum talk about the implications from the proposals to add hundreds of newly prescribed wetlands into unregulated Water Sharing Plans across the state. 
The media talks about lack of consultation with landholders, implications for property sales and valuations and the use of remote sensing to identify the sites in question. It raises the need for compensation where there are impacts to landholders ability to run their businesses. 

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1 x 38 ML (megalitres) of Lower Gwydir Groundwater allocation for sale. You can bid in price/megalitre by emailing before 5pm Friday 28th February 2025. The buyer will be required to cover the WaterNSW application and dealing fees and the GVIA transaction fee of $55.00 (Inc GST). Please note as of July 2024, there have been changes to the process for tiaging and assessing groundwater temporary trades. More information is available here

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Gwydir Valley Channel Capacity Constraints

6 January 2025: WaterNSW advises customers on the Gwydir River below Tyreel Weir that demand may exceed channel capacity in mid-January and throughout the remainder of the irrigation season. 
Water demand on the Lower Gwydir recently exceeded delivery capacity, resulting in temporary water delivery shortfalls in lower reaches of the Gwydir. 
Customers are encouraged to extract water only at ordered rates and only ordered volumes. 
Whilst current water orders and subsequent delivery forecast does not indicate a return to demand exceeding delivery capacity in the immediate future, it is anticipated that delivery constraints will occur throughout late January and early February 2025. 
Rostering of available channel capacity will occur if a return to demand exceeding available capacity occurs as was last experienced in January 2018.

Water orders can be placed by accessing iWAS at 
Water ordering information can be found at the WaterNSW website Ordering water - WaterNSW

For account enquiries please contact 1300 662 077.

More information: Visit WaterInsights to view announcements and sign up for notifications at
Issued by: Water Operations North

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Today the MDBA have released the Constraints Relaxation Implementation Roadmap. Constraints relaxation were identified as a necessary component to enhance environmental outcomes from water recovery in the original Basin Plan. They were the driving force behind schedule 5 Enhanced environmental outcomes to increase the volume of water resources available for environmental use by 450 GL per year. There will be challenges for producers in our region. The roadmap states:
"New South Wales is also at an advanced stage in the planning of constraints relaxation implementation in the Gwydir. Engagement with stakeholders and landholders has identified key issues to delivery that mean full implementation will likely extend beyond December 2026. The Australian and NSW governments are working together to rescope the Reconnecting Watercourse Country Program to ensure tangible outcomes are delivered to relax system constraints in the Gwydir by December 2026. In April 2025, NSW will provide an options assessment report to the Commonwealth identifying the preferred delivery option for a rescoped program."

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The Draft Gwydir unregulated Water Sharing Plan includes 327 newly prescribed wetlands. If you have one of these on your property, or neighbouring your property you may wish to put in a submission to the NSW government raising your concerns. 
The included template is an example of what you might like to use in your submission to the NSW Government. Please replace the text highlighted yellow with your thoughts for the wetland you are concerned about. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact the GVIA on 02 6752 1399.
Anyone can put in a submission, these are due on the 2nd of February 2025. 
The following link provides a number of documents, including an interactive map regarding the water sharing plan and the wetlands. 
The department are hosting a webinar on the wetlands on Monday 9th December, You can register here.

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The DCCEEW will be hosting a webinar on the draft Water Sharing Plan for the Gwydir Unregulated River Water Sources 2025.

This webinar on Tuesday 19th November 2024 from 12 noon will cover the following topics:

  • the draft water sharing plan
  • the public exhibition details, and
  • how to make a submission. 
A question-and-answer session will be held at the end of the webinar. Please include your questions when you register at the link below.
Alternatively email your questions to

There will also be a meeting in Bingara on Wednesday 27th November 2024. Register here

Making Every Drop Count

Securing a future for the Gwydir Valley through Irrigated Agriculture.