The National Farmers Federation (NFF) is holding a farmer rally in Canberra to highlight the key issues impacting on Australian agriculture and its communities -- including the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. If you cannot make the rally NFF have a petition
The MDBA published the 2022-23
Sustainable Diversion Limit Accounts
on 2 August. It shows water use across the Basin was 23 per cent below the 2022-23 SDLs, continuing the pattern of chronic and
persistent water underuse since the 1994 Cap.
In NSW Basin valleys, water use was 16.6 per cent, or 1105 GL, under the state's SDLs for 2022-23. The Gwydir diverted 26%, or
214.5GL less than its 2022-23 SDL.
Several other valleys were also well under, including:
Barwon-Darling diverted 34 per cent, or 155 GL, less than its 2022-23 SDL.
NSW Murray diverted 25 per cent, or 342.6 GL, less than its 2022-23 SDL.
Macquarie-Castlereagh diverted 27 per cent, or 231 GL, less than its 2022-23 SDL
Since accounting began on 1 July 2019, water use across the Basin has consistently remained below the SDLs, accumulating a 5076 GL credit in
unused water
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The Water Engagement Roundup is a live monthly webinar about all ongoing and upcoming engagements and consultation on important water
policy, reforms and programs for New South Wales, and includes a guest presentation topic each month. This month’s focus topic is a deep
dive into some of our work under the Hydrometric Networks and Remote Sensing Program, following with an open question and answer
Speakers from the Water Group at the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water include:
Mustak Shaikh, Principal Remote Sensing/Geospatial, Water Knowledge
Kilian Vos, Senior Remote Sensing Analyst, Water Knowledge
Antonia Morrow, Senior Advisor, Water Engagement team
The most recent NSWIC newsletter provides details of some of the challenges being faced by water entitlement holders across NSW. The
GVIA are working with NSWIC on the issues that will directly impact our region. Most critical at present is the Connectivity Panel
report. Over the next few weeks we will provide you more insight into how or what actions we can progress.
Moderate rainfall and constant river flows were experienced across the Gwydir catchment during 2023–24. Major flooding occurred across the
Gwydir River floodplain during March and April 2023.
Water managers used water for the environment during the 2023–24 water year to support fish communities in rivers and create connections to
the Barwon River, the Mallowa Creek, and low flows into the Gingham Watercourse to fill waterholes by season’s end.
In planning for 2024–25, water managers have applied:
a set of principles and triggers to guide the watering of key water-dependent assets
an adaptive approach to support fish and downstream ecological connectivity.
As of June 2024, the El Niño–Southern Oscillation outlook is neutral. That is, neither La Niña nor El Niño conditions are favoured as
oceanic and atmospheric indicators have returned to neutral levels. International climate models suggest neutral El Niño–Southern
Oscillation conditions will persist through the southern winter, but there are some signs that La Niña conditions could form later in the
2024–25 water year.
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WaterNSW has recently installed a new Hydrometric gauging station on Gurley creek at Tyrone road. This gauge will be able to provide river height data as soon as there is water in Gurley creek. There may be a delay in it's ability to provide accurate flow information.
On 4 July 2024, the Australian Government released the Framework for delivering the 450 GL of additional environmental water.
The Framework sets out how the government will recover 450 GL of water for enhanced environmental outcomes.
There are three programs:
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is hosting a 60 minute an online public webinar to provide an
update at 12:00pm (AEST) on 17 July 2024, including representatives from DCCEEW and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. More details and
resources can be found here: More
General security (GS) licences and the Environmental Water Allowance (EWA) in the Gwydir regulated river water source have received an allocation of 1% of their entitlement. Since the last assessment, rainfall has continued to elevate inflows above minimums and losses remain
lower than the budgeted volume resulting in the 1% allocation increment. Inflows into Copeton Dam in June were 18.1 gigalitre (GL) and
downstream tributary inflows added about another 3.0 GL to the system. Total essential supply demand was about 1 GL, and general security
usage was approximately 1 GL. There were no EWA orders in June. Water currently available to GS water users totals 469.7 GL, or an average
92% of entitlement. The Environmental Water Allowance (EWA) account balance is about 89 GL or about 199% full.
The program outlines the proposed strategic purchasing framework for the $100mill available to purchase aboriginal water. It will
be delivered under an interim governance arrangement. The Commonwealth will hold entitlements until an enduring governance mechanism is
designed. This governance mechanism will eventually take over the management of water entitlements acquired during the interim period. The Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water will commence purchasing entitlements under an
interim governance structure that includes an Advisory Group and a Directorate composed of aboriginal People. The structure aims to ensure decision-making is culturally and commercially informed
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has published the What We Heard Report from recent consultation
on delivering the 450 GL.
The North West Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan was developed through consultation with a range of stakeholders. This plan
covers 10 established pest species such as deer, pigs and rabbits. The NSW Governments are looking for your input through a
survey or via a submission.
Read the North West Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan and
share your insights and feedback by completing the survey, answering the quick poll and/or uploading a submission by Monday 8
July 2024.
Please find included the May newsletter from NSW Irrigators Council. The newsletter provides updates on the Connectivity Panel Interim
report, the National Water reform, the federal budget and metering.