Water Policy
The key objective of the GVIA is to develop and communicate a unified, whole of industry approach with an aim to:
- Secure, protect and enhance legitimate water rights for irrigation;
- Ensure the efficient management and operation of our valley’s water resources; and
- Encourage industry profitability and sustainability.
The GVIA plays a vital role monitoring policy, and is able to swiftly identify any shortcomings or opportunities in local, state or federal agendas. Our aim is to ensure any issues that may threaten or promote these three key objectives, be it now or in the future, are addressed promptly.
The GVIA advocates on behalf of the industry and the local community during all phases of policy development, and is proactive in ensuring issues are identified and addressed before they can cause an impact. With our high level of complex industry knowledge and integrity, the GVIA upholds full engagement throughout the process of policy making by participating in inquiries, public submissions and making formal representations to government agencies and representatives.
We do not accept policy that fails to consider the ramifications for the future of our industry or our community. The Gwydir Valley, much like all regional and rural areas, enjoys a strong sense of community, and maintaining the economy and social fabric of our rural towns is key. Thus, the GVIA will always advocate for decision making to be transparent and inclusive of all impacted stakeholders.
We believe governments should strive to demonstrate triple bottom line decision making criteria that equally considers environmental, social and economic outcomes. Advocating and promoting the value of irrigated agriculture locally, to the economy of NSW, and to the nation, is an essential role of the GVIA.
Our policy interests are broad-ranging but have included and are not limited to:
- Water reform agendas like NSW Water Sharing Planning, the Murray Darling Basin Plan;
- Environmental water management;
- Implementation of floodplain licensing;
- Development and implementation of National Metering Standards;
- Water pricing;
- Electricity;
- Research and development in agriculture and irrigation sectors;
- Irrigation efficiency;
- Competition for resources as with Coal Seam Gas; and
- Labour and skills shortages.
The GVIA is committed to a whole of industry approach to the development and implementation of policy based on collaboration between members, industry partners, government and community.
We pride ourselves on presenting well-researched, factual and collaborative policy with the upmost integrity.
Previous submission on key policy areas can be accessed on Our Submission and Inquiries page.