Our Employees and Committee

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Our Employees and Committee

Irrigation issues can be extremely complex and intricate, and at the GVIA we pride ourselves on a highly knowledgeable and dedicated team. The GVIA employs a full-time Executive Officer, and facilitates an externally funded Project Manager, both of whom operate out of the office at 100 Balo St, Moree.

The Executive Officer and Secretary of the GVIA is Louise Gall. Lou's role is extensive and spans from the paddock to the city offices of the nation's decision makers. She works closely with committee members, and is at the coalface of government negotiations ensuring the rights of water entitlement holders are maintained and respected. With a high level of expertise, confidence and passion for the industry, Lou represents the GVIA members on a range of committees and working groups on national, State and local platforms.

In addition, Lou also holds the externally funded Project Officer position for the GVIA. The current project is the CottonInfo Irrigation Technical Lead, which is supported with funding from the CRDC.
The GVIA Committee are currently reviewing options associated with continuing to source additional funding from government organisations as they are an important vehicle for the GVIA, designed to facilitate research programs and provide commercial analysis of innovation in irrigation. The GVIA are prooud of the way we have been able to deliver findings to members in a practical format they can, in turn, utilise to value add their businesses. This trusted source of data has played an integral part of the GVIA's commitment to industry and the community.

The Committee

The GVIA is governed by a committee of a minimum of 11 irrigators, whose role is to oversee the governance of the association’s resources in the interest of all members. The current chairman of the GVIA is  Jim Cush, the vice Chairs are Michael Seery and Nick Gillingham, the Treasurer is Sarah Ball. The Remaining Committee members are Mark Winter, Joe Robinson, Peter Birch, Craig Estens, Kirra-lee McNamara, Bernie George, Sam Heagney,  Alex Harris and Mick Humphries . The committee is elected annually, with the Annual General Meeting held each Spring, from which office bearers are elected. 

A significant role of the committee is helping develop GVIA policies and strategies, which the Executive Officer then implements. The Executive Officer and committee also provide representation on behalf of members at forums such as the WaterNSW Customer Advisory Group, the Gwydir Environmental Water Advisory Group, the Stakeholder Advisory Panels for surface and groundwater sharing plans, the NSW Irrigators Council and National Irrigators Council meetings and North West Local Land Services Community Advisory Group.

Making Every Drop Count

Securing a future for the Gwydir Valley through Irrigated Agriculture.