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WaterNSW has recently installed a new Hydrometric gauging station on Gurley creek at Tyrone road. This gauge will be able to provide river height data as soon as there is water in Gurley creek. There may be a delay in it's ability to provide accurate flow information.

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General security (GS) licences and the Environmental Water Allowance (EWA)  in the Gwydir regulated river water source have received an allocation of 1% of their entitlement. Since the last assessment, rainfall has continued to elevate inflows above minimums and losses remain lower than the budgeted volume resulting in the 1% allocation increment. Inflows into Copeton Dam in June were 18.1 gigalitre (GL) and downstream tributary inflows added about another 3.0 GL to the system. Total essential supply demand was about 1 GL, and general security usage was approximately 1 GL. There were no EWA orders in June. Water currently available to GS water users totals 469.7 GL, or an average 92% of entitlement. The Environmental Water Allowance (EWA) account balance is about 89 GL or about 199% full.

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The program outlines the proposed strategic purchasing framework for the $100mill available to purchase aboriginal water. It will be delivered under an interim governance arrangement. The Commonwealth will hold entitlements until an enduring governance mechanism is designed. This governance mechanism will eventually take over the management of water entitlements acquired during the interim period. The Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water will commence purchasing entitlements under an interim governance structure that includes an Advisory Group and a Directorate composed of aboriginal People. The structure aims to ensure decision-making is culturally and commercially informed

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The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has published the What We Heard Report from recent consultation on delivering the 450 GL.  

The report is the departments summary of feedback received on the Draft framework for delivering the 450 GL of additional environmental water.  It forms part of the department consultation.  
For a more detailed assessment the department website includes their: 

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The North West Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan was developed through consultation with a range of stakeholders. This plan covers 10 established pest species such as deer, pigs and rabbits.  The NSW Governments are looking for your input through a survey or via a submission.

Read the North West Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan and share your insights and feedback by completing the survey, answering the quick poll and/or uploading a submission by Monday 8 July 2024.

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Please find included the May newsletter from NSW Irrigators Council. The newsletter provides updates on the Connectivity Panel Interim report, the National Water reform, the federal budget and metering. 

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Expressions of interest open for the Murray–Darling Basin Community Committee

The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) is seeking expressions of interest from individuals to serve as members of the Basin Community Committee (BCC). Established under the Water Act 2007, the BCC plays a vital role in advising the MDBA and the Murray–Darling Basin Ministerial Council on issues relating to water management in one of Australia’s largest river systems. MDBA Chief Executive Andrew McConville said members of this Committee will provide essential input to governments as full implementation of the Basin Plan progresses and the Authority prepares for the 2026 Basin Plan Review.  “We need people with diverse views and experiences from right across the Basin to lend their voice on water and environmental management,” Mr McConville said.
Up to 6 vacancies will be appointed by the Authority for this round. They will commence in April 2025 for up to 3 years, offering a rewarding opportunity to contribute meaningfully to Basin-scale water management decision-making.

Nominations close 11:30 pm on Sunday 14 July 2024. Information is available from The MDBA Careers page

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The NSW Irrigators Council April 2024 newsletter provides updates on issues important to irrigators across the state including;
The Connectivity Panel interim report
National Water Agreement
Water Market reform and
The Murray Darling Basin Update

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The NSW Government have released their Non-urban metering what we hear report. The main issues raised were:
- Availability of DQP's
- Call for greater flexibility and
- Simplification
- Cost of compliance. 
The report focuses primarily on the survey responses, but does acknowledge issues with need to ensure data system and equipment standards are "fit for purpose". 
For FPH: "Just over half of submissions (n=15) received recommended that the floodplain harvesting measurement policy be reviewed to ensure that it is practically effective, arguing that it is impractical and not currently fit-for-purpose." More details are available in the report. 

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NRAR issued the following media release today confirming the NSW Government has two sets of rules for irrigators with water users with floodplain harvesting licences being treated inconsistently to all other water users - having no ability to nominate individual points of take and alternative systems, when a primary measurement device is not yet operable. Thus confirming the NSW Government intends to undermine the integrity of the process of issuing floodplain harvesting licences in the Gwydir Valley.

Information on NRAR's website on FPH Compliance is below

Making Every Drop Count

Securing a future for the Gwydir Valley through Irrigated Agriculture.