Summary 2020 2021 Water Year

Summary 2020-2021 Water Year

At the start of the current water year (1 July 2020) there was 12,560  megalitres of general security water allocation carried over for irrigation and 30,860 megalitres for environmental water managers (NSW and CEWO held, and Environmental Contingency Allowance) from previous year allocations.

Full allocations were announced for critical water users including high security users and groundwater, were made available.  Groundwater users have limited carry over allocations with an estimated 15,000  megalitres remaining.

There were general security allocation announcements, 8 out of 12 months this water year which totaled 58.07% in total, the largest occuring in March 2021.

Month Percentage (%) July 1.7 August 3.07 September 0.3 October 0 November 0 December 7.11 January 3.57 February 0 March 39.12 April 2.3 May 0.9 June NA Total 58.07

The region experienced minor flooding in December 2020 and then major flooding in March 2021, which inundated the floodplain and caused significant damage to Moree and surrounding communities. This provided unregulated flows, full supplementary allocations and floodplain harvesting opportunity throughout the floodplain. 

Whilst there was good water availability for the year, the majority of allocations and river flows were after key planting decision timeframes and the majority of water made available was carried over into the following water year for use in 2021-2022.

Entitlement Type Irrigation (ML) Environmental (ML) Allocation % Date Irrigation usage (ML) Environment usage (ML) Carryover Irrigation  (ML) Carryover Environmental (ML)
High Security 8,490 4,457 100% 31-May-21 7,253 1,300 NA NA
General Security* 214,310 71,600 58.07% 31-May-21 50,370 9,800 214,310 71,600
ECA NA 37,420 58.07% 31-May-21 NA 8,010 NA 37,420
Supplementary ** 157,805 23,592 100% 31-May-21 143,811 162,189 NA NA
Groundwater 19,312 5,700 100% 31-May-21 25,459 5,700 19,312
* This includes transfers
** Event basis

Making Every Drop Count

Securing a future for the Gwydir Valley through Irrigated Agriculture.