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Please fill out the form below to become a contact of our community.

E-mail Address
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First Name
Last Name
Company NameOptional
ZIP code
Contact Phone
Water OwnerOutlines if company or individual that owns water entitlement
Farm nameNominates a farm or physical address
SubcatchmentDescription of their water source list water sources with comma
Membership StatusDetail membership status
River pump capacity (ML/day)River pump capacity
High Security MLVolume of High Security Entitlement
General Security MLVolume of General Security Entitlement
Supplementary MLVolume of Supplementary Entitlement
Unregulated MLVolume of Unregulated Entitlement in ML
Groundwater MLVolume of Groundwater Entitlement in ML
FPH intake capactiy (ML/day)FPH intake capacity
IB MLVolume of Inverell Basalt Entitlement in ML
FPH MLVolume of FLoodplain Harvesting Entitlement in ML

Making Every Drop Count

Securing a future for the Gwydir Valley through Irrigated Agriculture.